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Automate your marketing and more.
How to add points through an automationAdd points automatically during an automation.
How to set a contact attribute through an automationAssign a value to an contact attribute during an automated flow.
Create and automate a welcome emailSet up your program to automatically send an email to a new contact or member
Create and automate a birthday emailSet up your program to automatically send an email to a contact or member on their birthday
Automations ExplainedEverything you need to know about automations.
Automation SettingsMake sure you automations run correctly.
Create and automate a retention campaignHelp retain customers by sending an email or deal after a set number of inactive days.
How to send an email when a customer enters a new TierSend an email to welcome contacts to a new tier.
How to start an automation after a specific point thresholdActivate a contact automation after a certain number of points are reached.
How to trigger an automation after a visitAutomate actions after a visit